Thank you from the Cobblemonster team

Thanks to our 228 riders who turned out this year in rubbish conditions to ride Cobblemonster 2018. It was a serious test even to roll out of a warm bed and ride in that rain.

We even had one guy turn up with no bike! Fortunately our hosts and friends at Brixton Cycles were able to kit out Darryl with a brand new steed in record time.

Amazingly you were able to raise £4,025.06 (who gave 6p??) for The Evelina Childrens Hospital Well done to all who rode and donated.

Cobblemonster would like to thank the following peoples:

All at Brixton Cycles for their hospitality, generosity and all round good eggness.
The team at Brixton JAMM for hosting us for the first time.
Cliff and Carol for wonderful food even in the rain.
Tricky, Gordon, Lincoln, Dave T, Simon, James et al for signage, web trickery, registration and 57 varieties of assistance.
Risa and Yasu @ Mentsen for design and print generosity
Lis Foy for coming to every single edition so far and being massively enthusiastic as ever
our prize donaters and sponsors – Trek, Bontrager, Brooks, Surly, All-City,

And of course all the riders who make the cobblemonster what it is! We salute each and every one of youse!